- Title
- Arctic Marine Areas
- Abstract
There are many ways to divide the Arctic marine region—by ecosystem/ecological characteristics, by administrative criteria, or by some combination of the two. However, effective monitoring of biodiversity requires that an ecosystem-based approach be used for choosing areas.
- Publication Date
- July 2, 2019, 6:38 p.m.
- Type
- Data
- Keywords
- arcticmarineareas features
- Published
- Yes
- Featured
- No
- Name
- gridanode
- devrsgis@gmail.com
- Position
- Organization
- GRID-Arendal
- Location
- Voice
- Fax
- Spatial Resolution
- ---
- Projetion System
- EPSG:900913
- Extension x0
- -180.0000000000
- Extension x1
- 180.0000000000
- Extension y0
- 51.3845118691
- Extension y1
- 90.0000000000
- Language
- English
- Supplemental Information
No information provided
- Name
- gridanode
- devrsgis@gmail.com
- Position
- Organization
- GRID-Arendal
- Location
- Voice
- Fax
- Link Online
- /layers/Marine_Regions_web_services:arcticmarineareas
- Metadata Page
- /layers/Marine_Regions_web_services:arcticmarineareas/metadata_detail
- Thumbnail
- Arctic Marine Areas.png
- Name
- gridanode
- devrsgis@gmail.com
- Position
- Organization
- GRID-Arendal
- Location
- Voice
- Fax